Scoop it up! Local councillor backs our campaign

Scoop It Up!

A leading local councillor has backed our campaign to tackle dog owners who fail to scoop up after their pets in south Leeds’ streets and public places.

Yesterday South Leeds launched our Scoop It Up campaign, which aims to try and educate people to pick up their pet’s dog muck – and to encourage people to report offenders. We know that most dog owners are very responsible and do pick up after their pets, but a small group of people choose to ignore the rules.

Beeston and Holbeck councillor – and lead member for leisure – Adam Ogilvie has sent us this message – and issued a warning to irresponsible dog owners:

Adam Ogilvie - Beeston & Holbeck

“I am delighted to lend my support to this campaign to keep our streets and open spaces free from dog fouling.

“It is fantastic too see local residents getting involved and doing their part to improve their communities. It is a great example of community spirit and local people taking pride in where they live.

“Although it must be said that the majority of dog walkers in the city do clean up after their animals, the minority that do not create a blight on our communities. The council has made great strides over the last two years to tackle this issue head on through legislation in the form of Dog Control Orders which are enforced by our dedicated dog warden team.

“It cannot be underestimated just how important local campaigns like this one can be in getting the message across regarding dog fouling.”

Love dogs? Hate dog fouling? If you know of someone who persistently fails to pick up after their pet, report them – telephone 0113 222 4407 or email

You can also report problems to the council through the wonderful Fix My Street website.

Our collaborative map (below) has already had 130 views, so please do add your reports!


Check out our Scoop it Up section for more information about our campaign.