Road safety works in Beeston

In news that has been welcomed by local Councillors Andrew Scopes, Gohar Almass and Angela Gabriel, work has started on St Anthony’s Drive in Beeston to make the road safer for local school children to cross.

Although the works are only minor and should take less than a week to complete, it is hoped they will  make crossing near St Anthony’s Primary school easier and increase confidence in both parents and children as they travel to and from school.

Councillor Andrew Scopes, (Labour, Beeston and Holbeck) said:

“As we are all being encouraged to spend less time in our cars and families in particular are being urged to consider walking to and from school it is important that we ensure that the walk to school is as safe as it can be.

“We all understand that roadworks can be an annoyance but these shouldn’t take long and will make a huge difference to the children and local families who cross here.

“Road safety and awareness is a really important skill to have and my colleagues and I are happy to support anything that promotes that.

“We would like to thank the residents of St Anthony’s Drive and the surrounding area for their patience and understanding while these works are carried out.”


This post is based on a press release issued by Beeston & Holbeck Councillors