A planned scheme to improve road safety will see the removal of three mini-roundabouts on Middleton Park Avenue.

A report published on the Leeds City Council website proposes replacing the three mini roundabouts with raised junction plateaux. The road has seen 15 personal injury accidents in the last five years and is ranked 14th on the Council’s list of ‘Lengths (of road) for Concern.’
Two thirds of the accidents have been caused by drivers failing to give way. The new scheme will revert to side roads giving way to Middleton Park Avenue, but the raised junctions will encourage all vehicles to slow down at the junctions.
The affected junctions are between Middleton Park Avenue and: Middleton Park Mount; Middleton Park Grove and Acre Road. The works are projected to cost £97,000 and would be completed by April 2016.
The plan will now go to public consultation.