A survey, part of a new strategic housing market assessment, to identify the housing needs of residents in Leeds has now begun.
The survey will provide insight into the district’s population and allow for a better understanding of what Leeds’ housing needs are. The in-depth local knowledge produced by the strategic housing market assessment will complement the data that the council already has from other sources, such as the census and help build a clear picture on housing needs in the city.
With widespread concerns about housing quality, availability and costs, the Leeds Local Plan is being updated to consider how more homes of the right type and in the right place can be built.
The strategic housing market assessment will help pinpoint the issues that are affecting people’s access to housing and the inequality that may be faced in different areas.
The findings will help to shape future planning and housing policies in Leeds by increasing understanding of the different types and location of homes that need to built in the city, as well as the number of affordable houses that are needed. Painting a picture of housing needs across the city including for older people, disabled people and those with specialist needs. The survey will also help understand whether people wish to buy or rent a home.
The online survey is open to anyone living in Leeds, with postal questionnaires also being sent out to a randomised selection of over 27,000 addresses across the city.
The online Leeds housing needs survey is now live at www.leedshns2023.co.uk and will run until the end of Friday 9 June 2023.
Councillor Helen Hayden, executive member for infrastructure and climate, said:
“This is an important survey that will help us identify the housing needs across the city and provide us with the evidence we need to produce a plan that addresses the issues we face. We are working hard to take a more rounded view of housing issues across the district that goes well beyond setting a target for the number of new homes required.
“We’re keen that this work helps us improve our housing offer across the board and enables us to plan for the right level of growth for everyone. This includes affordable homes, older persons housing, student accommodation and specialist housing in the locations where it is needed.
“The results of this survey will help to make sure Leeds gets the right mix of new homes to meet the needs of all our residents up to 2040”.
This post is based on a press release issued by Leeds City Council
Photo: Council housing in Holbeck
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