This year BasementArtsProject has received funding from Arts Council England towards the first stages of a project that will culminate in an exhibition and public sculpture for South Leeds. Annabelle Richmond-Wright is an artist based in Middleton; South Leeds and 2021 graduate of Leeds Arts University. In 2022 she was one of five artists to win the ‘Manchester Open Award’ for her sculpture ‘Alexa’: a very different take on the virtual assistant. Since then she has been busy with various projects appearing as part of the ‘One’s To Watch’ exhibition at Sunny Bank Mills in Farsley; Leeds.
Work began in June to start engaging the communities of South Leeds in workshops that will eventually determine, in a very practical way, what the final sculpture will look like. Over the course of three term-time workshops with Beeston Hill St Luke’s Primary, New Bewerley Community School and Cockburn John Charles Academy, the children have produced various elements in clay; portraits and helping hands -dedicated to local organisations that are part of the fabric of the South Leeds Community.
During the summer holidays we have run similar workshops with Hamara Healthy Living Centre and St Luke’s Cares Charity. At these we have been producing flowers in clay and casting hands in plaster. Eventually all of these elements will find their way into Annabelle’s final design for the sculpture. The sculpture entitled ‘I’ve Got You, You’ve Got Me’ is to be sited at the junction of Dewsbury and Tunstall Road, to the right of St Luke’s Cares.
Before that, there will be an exhibition of new work by Annabelle at BasementArtsProject called ‘Gatekeepers of The Body’. This exhibition will run from Thursday 31st October – 31st December.
We will be running tours of the exhibition with myself (Bruce: Curator/Director/Project Manager of BasementArtsProject). Details of these will be published nearer the time.
BasementArtsProject is a completely open invite to everyone, just turn up during our opening hours listed on our website. If you cannot make it during our opening hours you can arrange out-of-hours appointments: just text on 0750 672 1504 or email me at bruce.davies@basementartsproject.com
Until then we have our next exhibition opening on Thursday 26th September: 5:30 – 8:30pm by Bulgarian Artist and resident of South Leeds Kristina Nenova. There will as always be free food and drink.
28 Back Burton Terrace, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 5JH
For more information contact bruce.davies@basementartsproject.com or text on 0750 672 1504
For invitations to our exhibitions, workshops and events sign up to our Mailing List at https://basementartsproject.com/mailing-list-sign-up
‘I’ve Got You, You’ve Got Me‘ and ‘Gatekeepers of The Body‘ by. Annabelle Richmond-Wright is being funded by Arts Council England