A controversial planning application for 93 new homes in Middleton is due to be considered by the South & West Plans Panel on Thursday (22 September 2016).
The housing plans, which include 14 affordable 2 and 3 bedroom houses, are well supported, but plans for a new link road has caused concerns from residents and ward councillors. The new road would create a new link by extending Throstle Road, which is currently a cul-de-sac, through to Towcester Avenue. It is feared that this could become a rat run.
Cllr Paul Truswell told planning officers:
“I have serious concerns regarding the potential traffic issues that have been raised by Members and local residents, and the need to address these concerns as fully as possible through robust traffic calming and other measures.”
The development is due to take place on three sites released by the Council under their brownfield sites policy. The sites are close to Thorpe Road and Thorpe View and to the west of Towcester Avenue.
As well as the provision of social housing, the developer, Keepmoat, is likely to be required to pay a commuted sum to help improve local public open space and create work opportunities for local people.
You can read the full report to Plans Panel here: http://democracy.leeds.gov.uk/documents/s150180/3%20-%2016%2003861.pdf
You can find full details of the planning application here: https://publicaccess.leeds.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=O9291KJBHK400