Planning applications 9 January 2023

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 9 January 2023:


Determination for 5G H3G 15m street pole, additional equipment cabinets and associated ancillary works 

Sussex Gardens Hunslet Leeds LS10 2LA

Ref. No: 23/00130/DTM | Status: Current

Single storey rear extension; loft conversion to form rooms in roofspace with new dormer window to rear and insertion of new skylights to front

246 Bodmin Road Middleton Leeds LS10 4NG

Ref. No: 23/00110/FU | Status: Current

Alterations including dormer window to front 

1 Recreation Grove Holbeck Leeds LS11 0AT

Ref. No: 22/08344/FU | Status: Current

Retrospective application for change of use from part former superstore retail space to form hairdresser salon 

Nesto Barbers 193 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 5EG

Ref. No: 23/00092/FU | Status: Current

Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of approval 19/03590/FU for MINOR MATERIAL AMENDMENT to amend the ground floor arrangement and elevations and to amend the distribution of proposed uses within the building NON-MATERIAL AMENDMENT to 21/03091/FU – Changes to Planning Conditions 19 (Vehicle Areas Surfaced and Drained), 21 (Speed Survey), 24 (Surfacing Materials), 25 (Hard and Soft Landscaping Works), 26 (Construction details of tree pits and raised planted areas), 27 (Landscape Management). Regularisation of the description of development. 

Tower Works 2 – 10 Globe Road Holbeck Leeds LS11 5QG

Ref. No: 23/9/00003/MOD | Status: Current


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