Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.
The following applications were validated in the week beginning 7 November 2016:
6.0m single storey rear extension, 3.8m to ridge height, 2.6m to eaves
12 Firth Avenue Cross Flatts Leeds LS11 7HU
Ref. No: 16/06927/DHH | Status: Current
Change of use of tattoo parlour to hot food take away and alterations involving addition of chimney encased extract flue to side
7 Ring Road Beeston Park Middleton Leeds LS11 5LG
Ref. No: 16/06842/FU | Status: Current
50 double sided banner signs to lamp posts
Crown Point Road, Black Bull Street, Great Wilson Street, Meadow Lane Area, Sweet Street, Water Lane, Globe Road Hunslet Leeds
Ref. No: 16/07006/ADV | Status: Current
Detached vehicle maintenance unit to private hire booking office
2 – 4 Stafford Street Hunslet Leeds LS10 1NL
Ref. No: 16/06854/FU | Status: Current
One Internally illuminated digital display panel to Telephone Kiosk
Telephone Kiosk Outside 1 Crossland Terrace Beeston Leeds LS11 6EU
Ref. No: 16/06821/ADV | Status: Current
One Internally illuminated digital display panel to Telephone Kiosk
Telephone Kiosk Outside 12 Tunstall Road Beeston Leeds LS11 5JF
Ref. No: 16/06818/ADV | Status: Current
Demolition of an existing workshop and the erection of an eight-storey Class B1(a) (office) building, with flexible ground floor office (Class B1(a) Use), shop (Class A1 Use), cafe (Class A3 Use) and gym (Class D1 Use) uses
Land At Leeds City Office Park Meadow Lane Holbeck Leeds LS11 5BD
Ref. No: 16/06774/FU | Status: Current
Change of use of first floor rest/store room and alterations to second floor to form flat
15 Middleton Park Circus Middleton Leeds LS10 4LX
Ref. No: 16/06600/FU | Status: Current