Planning applications 7 February 2022

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

Please note that due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak Leeds City Council is not accepting written representations made by post. Please make any comments online and address them to the planning officer.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 7 February 2022:


3.96m single storey rear extension, 3.8m to ridge height and 2.35m to eaves 

24 Rosedale Gardens Belle Isle Leeds LS10 3BD

Ref. No: 22/00946/DHH | Status: Current

4.00m single storey rear extension, 3.76m to ridge height and 2.32m to eaves 

21 Cranmore Drive Middleton Leeds LS10 4AW

Ref. No: 22/00281/DHH | Status: Current

Detached Garage for Flats 1 and 2 

34 Acre Road Middleton Leeds LS10 4EW

Ref. No: 22/00843/FU | Status: Current

New dormer window to front 

35 Recreation Grove Holbeck Leeds LS11 0AT

Ref. No: 22/00875/FU | Status: Current

Upgrade of existing advertising display to support digital display poster 

Advertising Right 4788 Gable Of 295 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 5LS

Ref. No: 22/00935/ADV | Status: Current

Dormer window to front 

21 Woodview Street Beeston Leeds LS11 6JY

Ref. No: 22/00844/FU | Status: Current

Two storey front extension 

50 Grovehall Avenue Beeston Leeds LS11 7EX

Ref. No: 22/00861/FU | Status: Current

Part two storey, part single storey side extension 

16 Firth Grove Cross Flatts Leeds LS11 7HR

Ref. No: 22/00880/FU | Status: Current

Eleven illuminated fascia signs; one freestanding illuminated v-shaped totem sign; one freestanding illuminated double-sided totem sign; one illuminated welcome sign; eight illuminated poster frames; one illuminated entrance and one illuminated exit sign 

Dunelm Spence Lane Holbeck Leeds LS12 1EF

Ref. No: 22/00883/ADV | Status: Current