Planning applications 7 August 2017

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 7 August 2017:


Alterations to form first floor mezzanine 

Unit 1 Springwell Point Springwell Road Holbeck Leeds LS12 1AF

Ref. No: 17/03300/FU | Status: Current

Elm (T1) – Reduce tree by 1.5 – 2 m back from industrial units to allow for clearance and prevent further damage from leaves and detritus blocking drainage channels. 

Street Record Beza Street Hunslet Leeds

Ref. No: 17/04939/TR | Status: Current

Demolish existing single storey side; construct new single storey side extension; new boundary fence

2 West Grange Close Belle Isle Leeds LS10 3AR

Ref. No: 17/04963/FU | Status: Current