Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.
The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 4 April 2022:
Demolition of existing pylon information display sign and erection of new illuminated pylon information display sign to existing petrol filling station
Stourton Filling Station Wakefield Road Stourton Leeds LS10 1DP
Ref. No: 22/02351/ADV | Status: Current
Retrospective application for new boundary wall with pillars, fence above and gates to front; new wall with pillars and fence above on side boundary
10 Lanshaw Road Belle Isle Leeds LS10 3NZ
Ref. No: 22/01974/FU | Status: Current
Single storey infill extension to the rear; Replacement of existing flat roof conservatory with pitched roof
5 Parkwood Drive Beeston Leeds LS11 5RL
Ref. No: 22/02323/FU | Status: Current
Detached garden room with store including extended patio area to rear
27 Grovehall Parade Beeston Leeds LS11 7AE
Ref. No: 22/02116/FU | Status: Current
Outbuilding to rear
35 Cardinal Avenue Beeston Leeds LS11 8HE
Ref. No: 22/02187/FU | Status: Current