Planning applications 27 March 2017

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 27 March 2017:


One illuminated sign 

Beeston Royds Industrial Estate Royds Farm Road Beeston Leeds

Ref. No: 17/01839/ADV | Status: Current

Single storey side/rear extension 

34 Allenby Drive Beeston Leeds LS11 5RY

Ref. No: 17/01679/FU | Status: Current

Change of use of take away hot food shop to four flats and alterations including extension 

119 Barkly Road Cross Flatts Leeds LS11 7EN

Ref. No: 17/01593/FU | Status: Current

Part demolition, change of use, alterations and formation of new floor to former Beeston Methodist Church to form 15 flats, with car parking 

Beeston Methodist Church Wesley Street Beeston Leeds LS11 8RB

Ref. No: 17/01511/FU | Status: Current

Determination for 18m mast with six antennas, two dishes, three equipment cabinets and associated works 

Land At Whitehall Junction Network Rail Land Water Lane Holbeck Leeds LS11 9UA

Ref. No: 17/01851/DTM | Status: Current

Single storey side and rear extension

7 Thorpe Street Middleton Leeds LS10 4HD

Ref. No: 17/01694/FU | Status: Current