Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.
The following applications were validated in the week beginning 22 August 2016:
Alterations including two storey extension above existing extension, raise roof height with dormers to both sides, new first floor window to each side, single storey extension and detached garage to rear
113 Old Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 7AQ
Ref. No: 16/04417/FU | Status: Current
One illuminated ATM sign
259 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 5HZ
Ref. No: 16/05186/ADV | Status: Current
Listed building application to carryout alterations involving installation of ATM cash machine including signage to retail store
259 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 5HZ
Ref. No: 16/05182/LI | Status: Current
Installation of ATM cash machine to retail store
259 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 5HZ
Ref. No: 16/05181/FU | Status: Current
Roofing works including replacement fascia flashings
Royal Armouries Museum Armouries Drive Hunslet Leeds LS10 1LG
Ref. No: 16/05150/FU | Status: Current
Provision of additional car parking
Darwin House 7 Savannah Way Stourton Leeds LS10 1AB
Ref. No: 16/05136/FU | Status: Current
One illuminated single sided freestanding digital advertisement display unit with associated illuminated logo box
Land Adjacent To Enterprise House Apex View Hunslet Leeds LS11 9BH
Ref. No: 16/05086/ADV | Status: Current
Extension for lift shaft
Canon House, Apex Way Hunslet Leeds LS11 5LN
Ref. No: 16/05078/FU | Status: Current
Renewal of temporary permission (3 years) building for storage and internal distribution warehouse on car park area
Arla Foods Pontefract Road Stourton Leeds LS10 1AX
Ref. No: 16/05079/FU | Status: Current
Listed Building application to replace the top gates of the lock; re-point part of the lock chamber; replace non-slip coating to footbridge
River Lock 1 The Granary Building Holbeck Leeds LS11 5BB
Ref. No: 16/05059/LI | Status: Current
Detached vehicle maintenance unit to private hire booking office
2 – 4 Stafford Street Hunslet Leeds LS10 1NL
Ref. No: 16/05031/FU | Status: Current
Change of ground floor one bedroom flat to form shop (A1)
Ground Floor Flat 254 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 6JQ
Ref. No: 16/04903/FU | Status: Current
One externally illuminated banner sign
Fairfield House New Craven Gate Hunslet Leeds LS11 5NF
Ref. No: 16/04635/ADV | Status: Current
Internal alterations to form two separate dwellings
15 – 21 Elmton Close Belle Isle Leeds LS10 3UD
Ref. No: 16/04712/FU | Status: Current