Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.
The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 13 February 2023:
Part demolition of existing rear extension; construction of single storey rear extension
31 Parkwood Avenue Beeston Leeds LS11 5RH
Alterations to create kitchen enrance window and door to front
28 Allenby Drive Beeston Leeds LS11 5RY
19 Gipsy Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 5TP
Change of use from bedsits to three self contained flats
133 Lodge Lane Beeston Leeds LS11 6JF
Retrospective planning application for the installation of ATM
292 Cross Flatts Grove Cross Flatts Leeds LS11 7BS
Retrospective application for one illuminated surround sign and one illuminated logo panel
292 Cross Flatts Grove Cross Flatts Leeds LS11 7BS
Outline application for three dwellings
Land To South Of Wesley Close Beeston Leeds LS11 8RG
Car Sales Land Front Of 245 Elland Road Beeston Leeds LS11 8TU
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