Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.
The following applications were validated in the week beginning Monday 1 August 2022:
Meadow Lane Park Meadow Lane Leeds
Construction of new primary school, nursery, care home, residential flats and cafe
Land Bounded By Sayner Lane, Clarence Road And Carlisle Road Leeds LS10 1ND
Single storey rear extension; new side window
116 Middleton Park Road Middleton Leeds LS10 3SD
Two storey side and rear extension
43 Middlecroft Road Belle Isle Leeds LS10 4QZ
21 Kensington Gardens Belle Isle Leeds LS10 4UW
Part two storey part single storey extension to side/rear
47 Allenby Road Beeston Leeds LS11 5RN
Retrospective application for storage container to front of unit
7 Lockwood Close Beeston Leeds LS11 5UU
Single storey rear extension and porch to front
17 Brett Gardens Beeston Leeds LS11 6TS