Planning applications 1 April 2019

Each week we publish lists of planning applications related to LS10 and LS11 published on on the Leeds City Council website.

The following applications were validated in the week beginning 1 April 2019:


13 non-illuminated signs 

The Sugar Refinery 432 Dewsbury Road Hunslet Leeds LS11 7DF

Ref. No: 19/01881/ADV | Status: Current

Installation of new entrance doors and canopy

London House 3 New Lane Holbeck Leeds LS11 5EB

Ref. No: 19/01883/FU | Status: Current

Change of use of guest flat to form office 

Whincup Gardens Telford Place Hunslet Leeds

Ref. No: 19/01790/FU | Status: Current

Replacement of external lighting on site 

Thwaite House Thwaite Mills Thwaite Lane Hunslet Leeds LS10 1RP

Ref. No: 19/01696/FU | Status: Current