The Hunslet Club Summer Gala is an annual event here in South Leeds, which gets bigger and more exciting each summer, and this one was no exception! On Saturday 23 July 2022, over 2,000 people attended throughout the day from 12-4pm.
This was the biggest Hunslet Club Gala ever. The day began at 12pm, when hundreds of people had already gathered, ready to enjoy the rides, stalls and attractions. There was something for all ages, from our favourite tropes of the fairground to gift stalls, games, and food stands.
From 1pm, the community were greeted by live performances, showcasing everything the talented young people of The Hunslet Club had been working on over the last 12 months. We saw a range of sections exhibit their skills including, ballet, boxing, hip-hop, cheer and gymnastics. The crowds were blown away by how professional each routine was, with some of the dancers being as young as just 5 years old!
Alongside the Summer Gala, was a mini Football tournament and award ceremony, which took place across the football pitch and courts. Here, each player from all of the internal Hunslet Club Youth football teams was recognised for their, skills, sportsmanship, commitment and progression. This was a great addition to an already perfect day.
In addition to the excitement of the football, rides, attractions, stalls and entertainment, there were also some special visitors who you wouldn’t usually get to see on the day to day, including a power ranger and some donkeys, who were very popular with younger attendees!
Over the course of the day, the atmosphere was remarkable. We gathered together as a community for something so positive, and it was great success. It was brilliant to see such a wide mix of people young and old from all different backgrounds. Many local people also got the opportunity to make new friends and become better involved in our wider community here in South Leeds.
We want to say a huge thank you to our volunteers, sport sections, local people, staff, West Yorkshire Police and West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, for making such a fantastic event possible. We couldn’t have done it without such a strong community.
This post was written by Samatha Bailey
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