Get Set Leeds Local is a Sport England funded project with Active Leeds, exploring collectively how we can enable more people in South Leeds to move more. Here’s a round up of the various activities going on in the area. All sessions are free, unless stated.
Splash Run Event @ Cross Flatts Park
Children’s 1km fun run/walk
Sunday 17 September 9:30 am start (straight after junior park run at 9am which anyone is also welcome to join in)
Cycle skills pop up sessions @ Cross Flatts Park
Every Wednesday (until it becomes too dark to continue)
Drop in between 3:30-5pm Bikes available to borrow
Brickfield ParkPlay
Weekly family friendly games. Every Saturday from 10:30am. Everyone welcome
Brickfield Park, Lady Pitt Lane, LS11 6HD
Adult cycling
Weekly learn to ride/cycle confidence sessions – Adult training | United Kingdom | Cycle North
Cycle for Health – Cycle for Health | Cycling UK
Bespoke sessions for groups available – just get in touch
Other open access community sessions (many of which delivered by community partners/community volunteers)
There’s much more than this list taking place across South Leeds, but here’s a snapshot of some of the great things taking place which all welcome along new people, in case you know any individuals/families who may be interested in trying any:-
- Bump and Baby Fit Yoga Class @ Middleton Leisure Centre. Fridays 6:30-7:30pm – £3 per session (term time) for women from 12 weeks pregnant – 12 months post-partum.
- Chance to Shine Cricket sessions / cricket’s version of 5-a-side / Old Cockburn Sports Hall, Primrose Lane, LS11 5EW / For more information contact Khizar Hussain on: 07904 190780
- Saturdays 10-11.30am 8–11-year-olds
- Saturdays 11.30am-1pm 12–15-year-olds
- ParkRoll – Weekly free family friendly roller skate session for all ages. Summer at Cross Flatts. Autumn/Winter hoping to move indoors. Free roller skate coaching and free skate hire (must be pre-booked via the LS-TEN website). For updates each week follow on social media Instagram @ls.ten Facebook LS-TEN
- Skateboarding sessions at LS-Ten for beginners. If you’ve never visited the skatepark before don’t forget to complete an online registration before your visit. Visit LS-TEN website for more information www.ls-ten.org
- Beginners skateboard nights – open aged session strictly for beginners, £7.50 for two hours (coaching and equipment provided)
- Mini Riders – 9.00am – 9.50am – Saturday and Sunday for children under 8 years old (£6)
- Adult Dancefusionfit a hybrid dance, HIIT and yoga mobility session each Tuesday in September 6:30pm. St Anthony’s Church Hall, Old Lane, Beeston. £3 donation and yoga mat required. Instagram @girlsgotgoalzz
- Holbeck Together – Free outdoor Movement session (for adults) at Holbeck Moor. Weekly every Wednesday 11am.
- Love Exploring App – trails and games in many Leeds parks. Free to download. Hunt for Mega Mini Beasts in Brickfield Park or dinosaurs in Cross Flatts Park.
As always if there’s things you’d like to see in the area, or ideas for things we could help develop then get in touch. This could be a one off event, or developing something longer term for the local community.
Looking to get more involved, or know someone wanting to give something back? Many groups are seeking volunteers (upskilling and training available). Get in touch with us.
We’re working closely with a number of kit donation partners, so please get in touch if you notice a child (or adult) without trainers, struggling with sports clothing etc. We think not having kit shouldn’t be a barrier to anyone participating.
Find out more in the summer newsletter Get Set Leeds Summer Newsletter
Get in touch via karen.peck@leeds.gov.uk / 07891 274130
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