This month your Neighbourhood Policing Team have been working hard to tackle a rise in theft from motor vehicle offences that have been occurring right across Inner South Leeds.
Having recently been the victim of a theft from motor vehicle in this area myself, I fully appreciate the impact it can have on people both emotionally and financially. Officers have been working extended hours to conduct pro-active patrols across the area to tackle this issue. Just in the last two days they have recovered two stolen vehicles and one male has been arrested for a number of offences, including theft of motor vehicle. There are a number of things you can do to try and prevent offences occurring – please ensure that you do not leave any valuables on display and park in a well-lit area where possible.
A common concern that is discussed at the many community meetings I attend is the condition of some of the private rented properties around Inner South Leeds. Last week officers from the Inner South Neighbourhood Policing Team worked in partnership with the Local Authority Housing teams and private rented teams to conduct a number of visits.
During this day of action in the Holbeck area 15 homes were inspected and from these inspections 10 legal notices are to be served on landlords for poor housing conditions. A referral was also made to a mental health service and two food parcels were delivered to families. I am a firm believer in partnership working and we plan to do more of these action days across the area.
Another new operation that your Neighbourhood Policing Team has been conducting is using technology such as drones and smartwater to tackle nuisance bikes and quads in the Middleton area. This technology is assisting us to identify those responsible so that positive action can be taken.
As it is now December I feel that it is alright to mention the word Christmas! Whilst this is an exciting and happy time for the majority of us, there will unfortunately be a small number of people who will be a victim of crime over this period. I have discussed in my previous article about crime prevention in relation to securing you home however this is extremely important over this period.
There may be extended periods when you are away from your house visiting family and friends and the fear is that opportunist burglars could target homes left empty in the darkness. Please remember that simple measures such as timer light switches, and remembering to lock doors and windows at all times, could help prevent that. If you would like any further information then please visit our website www.westyorkshire.police.uk/burglary.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very safe, happy and peaceful Christmas and send my best wishes for the New Year.
This post was written Insp Lucy Leadbeater
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