During the school holidays we often see an increase in calls for service to police and also a rise in anti-social behaviour (ASB).
This year has followed a similar pattern and we have seen an increase in ASB in particular in the Middleton ward. We are working hard to tackle this with key partners such as the Leeds anti-social behaviour and housing teams.
Last month was ASB Awareness week and as during this week we attended and locations across the Inner South area to speak to residents, identify and address concerns and also raise awareness about how to contact us. Some of these activities included:
An excellent engagement event at Leeds Urban Bike Park in Middleton where officers from the NPT and also our off road bike team attended and engaged with residents and visitors.
Conducting leaflet drops and having a contact point at the Penny Hill Centre where we receive frequent complaints of ASB and begging.
Conducting operation Sparc which is an operation in Leeds to target the anti-social use of vehicles across Leeds.
If you are suffering from ASB there are plenty of agencies who can help and you can report this using a variety of ways:
- In an emergency always ring 999
- In a non-emergency contact WYP by contacting 101, or report online using 101 Live Chat or at westyorkshire.police.uk/report-it
- Should you wish to contact your local policing team please email innersouth@westyorkshire.police.uk
- Leeds Anti-Social Behaviour Team – (0113) 222 4402
- Noise nuisance Team (0113) 222 4402 (daytime) / (0113) 376 0337 (pm until 3am)
One question that I have been asked recently is about E-Scooters and the legislation around these. Whilst some see these as a fun way to travel others are concerned with dangerous riding and ASB associated with it. Please remember that you cannot ride an E-Scooter on a road or pavement and may be committed offences for which you could be prosecuted or have the scooter seized (see poster).
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer, next month I will give an update on our latest burglary campaign and also our continued work on tackling the illegal supply of drugs in the area.
This post was written by Inspector Lucy Leadbeater, South leeds Neighbourhood Policing Team