Hugh Gaitskell Primary School has been judged as ‘Good’ in the latest Ofsted report dated 27 June 2016.
Headteacher Mrs McNulty said she was “extremely delighted” with the judgement. The inspection team recognised the positive ethos of ‘One World, One School’ which underpins all aspects of the “calm and harmonious” school.
Ofsted observed that the “highly skilled teaching staff… ensure that pupils have a love of learning… make good progress and enjoy the challenges they are set.”
The school has seen considerable change with a new Headteacher and deputy headteachers,appointed in Summer 2015. The new leadership has driven the school forward, improving from ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’.
“Ofsted’s recognition of this achievement through the award of a ‘Good’ judgement is a positive validation of the efforts of staff, governors, parents, and of course, children.” said Mrs McNulty.
The full Ofsted report can be viewed on the school website