Plans have been unveiled to make changes to bus stops at Middleton Park Circus creating a new bus only ‘interchange’ on a quieter section of Middleton Park Road close to the Aldi store. The scheme is being developed by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Existing bus stops in the area would be re-located to the interchange, freeing up parking and loading space for local businesses. The new stops will have improved shelters including real time information displays.
A new Toucan pedestrian/cycle crossing will be provided across the Ring Road on the western side of the Circus (close to Midway Pharmacy). The existing crossing at the eastern side of the circus will be converted to a Toucan crossing. The area will also be overseen by CCTV.

Two consultation events have been organised:
Wednesday 20 November, 3:30-6:30pm at St Mary’s Parochial Hall, North Lingwell Road
Thursday 28 November, 10am-1pm at St George’s Centre Community Hub
You can also respond using the online survey at www.yourvoice.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/MiddletonCircus
The consultation is open until Monday 2 December 2019.
Cllr Kim Groves, chair of the authority’s transport committee and a Middleton Park ward member, said:
“These proposals will mean facilities that provide a warmer, cleaner waiting area in a safe environment for the high proportion of local residents who are bus users.
“These plans are in line with our overall ambitions, to reduce congestion and the pollution it causes by making bus travel more attractive and meet the Combined Authority’s commitment to tackling climate change.
“I am delighted to see this investment planned for Middleton and would urge everyone with an interest to have their say online or to come along to one of the planned drop-in events.”
Photo: Google Streetview
Does this mean buses no longer go down Middleton Park Avenue?
NO, there are no plans to change bus routes, just the bus stops.