My running journey: from fear to belonging

I started the Couch to 5K with the, all female, South Leeds Sisters running club in January 2019. I found everyone friendly on arrival.

We did an easy warm up before starting the first session. I was pleasantly surprised what a gentle start that first week was. Unfortunately I was poorly for two of the weeks and was tempted to give up. I decided to keep going, but of course couldn’t keep up with the others. One woman ran with me that week. She encouraged me and told me her story which was not unlike mine. I didn’t feel judged or that I wasn’t trying hard enough.

I have now joined the South Leeds Sisters where we are all at different levels and abilities. I still consider myself to be a beginner, but I do feel I belong. I now also venture out on my own in the evenings. Something I often wanted to do in the past but wasn’t brave enough.

Doing the Couch to 5K was a good way to start my running journey. The next Couch to 5K course starts on Monday 7 October 2019 at 6.15pm, it’s pay as you feel.

We’ll be following the NHS C25K app and will also be meeting on Wednesdays at 6.30pm and Saturdays at 9am. All sessions start at South Leeds Stadium at John Charles Centre for Sport, either in the reception or the Phoenix Bar. We would love you to join us.


This post was written by Holly Button

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