Movement (at last) on Middleton Park revamp

Middleton park
Middleton Park's set for a revamp

The Friends of Middleton Park group reports movement at last on the delayed plans to revamp the park.

Initially it was planned that the Lakeside Centre at the park would be demolished earlier this year in preparation for a £2million revamp but delays have meant it won’t start until later this month. Middleton Park was awarded a £1.46million Heritage Lottery Fund, which led to council-backed plans for a new centre, bandstand and improved access gates.

The Friends this week posted this update on their Facebook page:

“Well the Lakeside Centre has been cleared of all the items and equipment belonging to the Friends prior to being handed over to the developers the week after next. Get down to the park this week to say goodbye to the old building and we all now anticipate a bigger, better ‘home’ next year.”

Want to know more about the revamp and the Friends group? They’re holding their Annual General Meeting on 15 November at 7pm at Middleton Methodist Church Hall, Hopewell View. Go along along and hear about the plans for the park and vote for the charity’s officers and trustees.

The Friends also estimate that more than 5,000 people attended the Middleton Park bonfire last Saturday. Check out the South Leeds Life slideshow here.

There will be a litter pick on Sunday, 20 November, 2-4 pm, meet outside the Lakeside Centre to clear rubbish in the park.

Check out the Friends’ website here.