Mo Robertson | Traumas of The Flesh

Opening Night: Tuesday 14th January 2025 | 5:30-8:30pm

Free event/All welcome
28 Back Burton Terrace, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 5JH

As the winter snow starts to melt away, BasementArtsProject gets ready to open its doors for the first exhibition of 2025 by Armley based Artist Mo Robertson.

Traumas of The Flesh’ looks at feminist issues and their impact on mental health. For this exhibition Mo builds an immersive environment containing a series of sculptures made from textiles and casting material. The exhibition is part of a cathartic process, one in which the artist creates a visual response to personal trauma and aims to raise awareness that many scars lie beneath the surface.

BasementArtsProject is an experimental art venue and family home in Beeston, South Leeds. Since April 2011 we have worked with more than 200 artists; these have ranged from undergraduate and early career through to established artists, and all in the context of daily life.

Lunchtime Conversation: Sunday 23rd March

The Lunchtime Conversation is a regular fixture in the BasementArtsProject calendar. A home cooked meal and lively chat with the artist. Come and join Mo around the BasementArtsProject kitchen table on the last day of her exhibition ‘Traumas of The Flesh’ and experience what happens when art connects with daily life; a homecooked meal, chit chat about life, the universe and everything and an artist led tour of the exhibition to round off the day.

Lunchtime Conversation – ‘Fray’ exhibition Nov 2023



Pork Chilli & Rice (Meat)

Butternut Squash Tacos (Vegan)

Tea, coffee & Juice

Places are limited and booking essential.

To book a place CLICK HERE or scan the QR Code

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