Middleton Woods Parkrun 200th Birthday.

Middleton Parkrun. Event 200.

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Mark says:

Thanks so much to Nicola who not only travelled all the way from Guernsey for our event she is also this weeks guest run report writer. If you fancy writing a run report for us, we’d love to hear from you.

Thanks Nicola.

Middleton Park Lake.

When planning a tourist parkrun, I’m not one who will chase challenges on the 5k, although it was great to achieve (totally by fluke) the Staying Alive (3 Bees and 3 Gees) before my parkrun bestie Josh who has been attempting it for a couple of years! My intention for 2nd September was to go to Temple Newsam and relive my childhood of running around there after attending the steam fair each year. My friend Cath, who lives in Otley and was going to join me has run that one and wanted to try a new course. I went back to the drawing board and Middleton Woods was the easiest to get to from the Premier Inn I was staying at by Elland Road, decision made.

I decided to actually research Middleton Woods parkrun having attended Oakwell Hall earlier this year to relive childhood memories only to discover the my memories of a lovely flat expanse were completely wrong and I discovered hills that I’m sure didn’t exist 30 years ago! After reading reviews I was very happy with my choice, “stunning park” and “beautiful woodland” were common themes and I was made aware that there were hills, no shocks for me. I also clocked that it would be the 200th event and like every other runner I am totally motivated by food and hoped for cake, I was not disappointed.

Cath picked me up on Saturday morning and we found Middleton Park easily. Lot’s of free parking right next to the finish was a bonus. We headed to the start and no surprises that is was downhill meaning an uphill finish. I loved seeing lots of runners arriving in fancy dress for the event. I love to get dressed up for special events, but unfortunately having flown from Guernsey with only hand luggage I didn’t have much room for an outfit and at eight months pregnant I now don’t fit into my costumes anyway. I came as a tourist park runner from Guernsey!

The start was in lovely woodland however it did mean my Garmin could not find satellites and refused to map the first km of the run.

After a slight uphill at the start I enjoyed a slow jog down the sweeping hill to a pretty boating lake where I was very excited to see swans as there are no swans in Guernsey. After hitting some trails in the woodland the course opened up to a lovely expanse of grass with great views.

Nicola and Cath

Most Parkrunners probably annoyed by the mole hills on this stretch, I got over excited to see them and stopped to take a photo as there are no moles (or squirrels, badgers or foxes) at home and it was quite a novelty. At the top it was great to stop at Nick’s View to get a photo, past the pretty rose garden and we got to enjoy the loop again. A slight uphill to the finish after the second lap and cake was waiting. Great to see the sign had been moved and I was able to get a photo with it.



The event was extremely well organised given the number of participants was nearly double the average weekly attendance. The Marshals were awesome, so friendly and encouraging, not that I would expect anything different from Yorkshire folk. With well over 100 course set ups behind me at home.  About the set up team who marked the course brilliantly, no chance of going wrong.

Well done to the 142 people who ran, jogged and walked. Great work by first finishers Terence Gareth Forrest in 18:27, Rachel McDonald in 23:00, and junior Noah Hanley in 21:54. Great work first timers and everyone that got a new PB. Certainly not a PB for me, but very grateful that I can still get out and enjoy parkrun. I love the inclusivity of the events.

I’m not sure I’ll be back anytime soon (not that I don’t want to come back), but I shall make sure I let my Yorkshire friends to check you out and bring their bikes, the facilities looked amazing. If Josh’s beloved Bolton Wanderers end up in the same league as Leeds United I will tell him that an away trip with a visit to Middleton Woods is a must. Thank you Middleton Woods parkrun,

Nicola Sharp

Ken says:

Thank you Nicola for Middleton Woods Parkrun Event report, on 2ooth  Birthday. Safe journey back to Guernsey.

I volunteer to write blogs for South Leeds Life. Hope you manage to see this. If goes in Paper for October, will send you a Digital Copy.

The Marshals and Runners are a Lovely Bunch and a nice way to spend time on a Saturday Morning.

I saw you and Cath at Nicks View. Did well running at 8 Months Pregnant.

Hope you had chance to visit our lovely,   Leeds Urban Bike Park Café.

See you and Cath, if you ever come back to Leeds, maybe with your new Baby.

Middleton Park Lake


Ken, Marshal at Middleton Wood Parkrun.

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