Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust.
This week, we said ‘Thanks a Bunch’ to two very special members of staff who demonstrated behaviour that was the epitome of dementia-friendly care. 💐
Middleton Health Centre receptionist Sheilagh Stirling and podiatrist Rhia Seers were on hand to help when a patient mistakenly turned up for a morning appointment two and a half hours early.
Having come in from the pouring rain, the gentleman was made comfortable by Sheilagh who sat and talked with him. Rhia then saw him immediately, and before the clinic opened, providing the best possible care.
They then saw that the gentleman got home safely and that all appropriate staff were made aware of the situation.
The pair were nominated for our award by Quality Lead for Children’s Services Helen Rowland, who was hot desking at the Health Centre at the time.
Helen Rowland said:
“What I saw was staff going the extra mile and dementia-friendly in action.Incidentally the podiatrist even fitted another patient into the later appointment slot from the waiting list.”
Interim Director of Workforce Ann Hobson surprised both ladies with bouquets and certificates this week, commending them for displaying our core ‘How We Work’ behaviours of Caring.
Ann Hobson says
“It’s lovely – I think we all work as a team and try and do our best for them but it’s really nice to have this.”