I spoke to Megan Fletcher who volunteers at Middleton Elderly Aid (MEA):

I started at Middleton Elderly Aid in March 2022, over a year ago, when I was going into my last year at University. Since then I have competed that year and am graduating in July.
Although I’ve finished my education, I’m still volunteering at Middleton Elderly Aid, along with my Mum Stacey at the Bacon Butty Morning. Wednesday mornings are very busy, with Bacon Sandwiches for £1.00 including hot drinks and top ups.
I also help out at the MEA Memory Café, on the last Wednesday of the month. Volunteering at the Memory Café, helped my studies, as I got to meet some lovely people who attend and local services such as PCSOs, the Fire service and Engage Leeds.
Cllr Wayne Dixon (Social Democratic Party, Middleton Park Ward) comes once a month to give advice on local matters, plus we get Memory Support Workers attending.
I enjoy Volunteering every Wednesday and look forward to meeting many more lovely people.
Ken says:
“Megan is a fantastic young lady and is just at home in the kitchen or serving sandwiches and hot drinks as she is at mentoring me at the Memory Café, which is held at the centre on the last Wednesday in every month for people with memory issues, such as Dementia and Alzheimer’s.
“Good Luck on future Adventures Megan.”
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