PC Paul Denison recently attended the Middleton PACT meeting at St Cross Church, present were 19 residents as well as all three Middleton Councillors and Aire Valley Homes.
The low crime figures were well received although residents were again informed about security more than half of the nine burglaries in the area were from doors being left unlocked. Residents were also updated about the recent bogus offence in Woodlesford, where the offender was posing as a St Gemma’s charity collector.
Problems with anti-social behaviour in the area around the Middleton Arms discussed and this will continue to be a local priority.
Other issues arising were the amount of people who were cycling with no lights on their bikes on the streets and paths of Middleton- officers will stop, warn and advise if they see such riders.
The date of the next meeting will Saturday 10 December.
New Forest Village community meeting
Sergeant Richard Hunter attended the latest meeting on Wednesday 2 November. Councillors Geoff Driver and Kim Groves also attended together with 15 residents.
The current priority of nuisance motorbikes and quads on St George’s Road was discussed and residents stated this was no longer of concern to them as they hadn’t experienced problems for some time. It was decided that this priority should be removed.
Residents asked for the next priority to be to deal with speeding vehicles on St George’s Road weekdays between 8.30 am and 9.30 am and also 4.30 pm and 6.30 pm (rush hour times). The group are now aware that due to the road being unadopted and having sought advice from the force solicitors department and roads policing that Rothwell NPT are not issuing Fixed Penalty Notices for speeding offences.
However Sergeant Hunter did inform the group that Rothwell NPT would use laser trained officers in this area during the relevant times to act as a deterrent and to also advise drivers who are driving too fast. Sergeant Hunter assured the group that Rothwell NPT will concentrate on this during November as part of Op Disaccord.
They were pleased with the very low crime figures on the New Forest and Heritage village sites in the last seven weeks since the last meeting with only one burglary dwelling and one theft from motor vehicle offence being reported.
There were no other issues from the group who were also pleased with Op Flame and tacking anti-social behaviour around Bonfire Night.