This week (11 February 2019), Beeston Primary School has joined the government’s National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), which is being delivered by the charities Family Action and Magic Breakfast.
The programme is designed to ensure all children have access to a healthy school breakfast enabling them be settled and ready to learn at the start of the school day.
Free cereal and wholemeal bagels are served each morning. Warm buttered bagels are cooked on site and are available to all children in the playground before school.
Headteacher Nick Edensor explained,
”We are proud to be a National School Breakfast Programme school. This is an exciting and really worthwhile opportunity which this week the children have taken full advantage of. Our aim is to ensure that children are as ready as possible for their daily learning.”
The programme has been received positively by parents. Parent Shazna Waqas commented on the school’s Facebook page:
”This is a fantastic initiative. I am sure this programme will help parents if they are running late and feel reassured that their children will have some sustenance to get them through to lunch.”
The programme is initially funded until March 2020.
This post was written by Susan Knowles
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