Beeston Library will host a display about the history of Beeston put together by the Local History Society from Sunday 17 August 2014.

The Beeston Local History Society was formed in 1983. Initially we came into being as a small group interested in preserving a record of the past of our small community, both buildings and people. A booklet was published (now out of print) and the interest engendered led to the formal constitution of the Society as we now know it.
The Society has since continued with the aim of maintaining a healthy interest in the bygone days of this hilltop community and, where possible, researching the life of its inhabitants over the past hundred years and beyond.
We always welcome new members. Why not come and visit one evening and see what we do? There is no compulsion to commit to membership at the first instance, but if you find yourself drawn to full commitment subscriptions are £10 per annum.
Most meetings are centred around an invited speaker although often you will find members leading the evening by way of a presentation or discussion. We meet at St Mary’s Church at 8:00pm on the second Monday of the month except June and July when we have history visits or walks. There is no meeting in January or August.
Our next meeting is on 8 September when I will be talking about “Leeds First Electric Trams”.
This article was written by Ken Burton using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.
Is the Beeston Historical Society still in operation? My grandparents lived in cross flatts drive all their married life, my mum was born there, and so was I.I have some drawings done by my grandad, from around 1900-1960 which may be of interest