The latest core strategy of Leeds City Council includes a strategy for city centre transport that appears to seriously affect Holbeck. The map below (see council map for larger scale) indicates that the central traffic distribution route (loop) will pass through Holbeck along Jack Lane, Nineveh Road and Domestic Street.

This is likely to bring even more traffic into the area with the consequential damage to the environment and health risks. The council has claimed in the past that it wanted to connect the Urban village with the rest of Holbeck. If these ideas come to fruition the opposite is likely to happen.
Has the council discussed this with local residents? To my knowledge, no.
Are our councillors aware of this strategy? If yes, why haven’t they passed on the information to their constituents. If no, why not?
The map also shows cars in Holbeck – perhaps it is intended to make the area one big car park?
What does Angela Gabriel think of this?
I have not been in touch with any of our councillors about this yet. I hope they can let everybody know in due course.
South Leeds Life should be better than just publishing somebody’s rants. It’s been terrific so far.
The questions the author asks are definitily pertinent – and it’s right that their raised and local people are made aware of them – but why didn’t he actually go to the councillors and ask them to get some balance?
Soapbox opportunity anyone?
I looked over the initial 2011 to 2026 plan and there is the inclusion of the closure of junction 2a of the M621 as well as vastly improved cycle and walking routes into the city centre, which will be much more pedestrian and cycle friendly as a result of the loop road re route. I live just off top moor side and rather than splitting Holbeck from the village it could do wonders for access to a much less vehicle dominated city centre in my view.
Clearly we need to have a full and frank debate about such proposals . Unfortunately before these specific plans are drawn up it does not appear to be the case. The Holbeck Neighbourhood Plan Forum would be a good vehicle for both the City planners and local communityto engage in meaninful discussions .
While I can see what Leonard is driving at, my understanding is that South Leeds Life is an open forum and will publish articles and comments providing they are not libellous and don’t conflict with the law. I’d agree that we don’t want rants – if people comment rationally and calmly on rants/proto-rants then perhaps proto-ranters/ranters will see that by ranting they undermine their own arguments – or am I being too optimistic?!
Perhaps, as Dennis suggests, it would be possible to have a meeting of the Neighbourhood Forum devoted to transport issues with relevant people invited from the Council and Metro? Transport issues are clearly going to be important in Holbeck’s Neighbourhood Plan.