Hi Everyone,
Just a blog to let you know how I’m getting on during this time of lock down and reflection. I have more time at home now to catch up on housework, blogs and my column for South Leeds Life newspaper. If you have any local stories to go on blog or Newspaper you can send them to me at kenneth.ingram1@outlook.com
Personally I’m having groceries delivered, and a Thai Restaurant in conjunction with a greengrocer from Leeds Market are delivering meals to me once a week and I’m able to put them in my fridge-freezer.
Last week they delivered about 12 meals, soups, casseroles, stews and other goodies, so I took a couple and put the rest on the table in Acre Court reception.
Within an hour all 10 meals had gone. I’m pleased about that as I could not leave overnight.
My medicines are delivered when needed by Gateway Pharmacy, in Middleton.
Although I can’t go to my favourite drop in centres, Middleton Elderly Aid and BITMO’s GATE, I keep in touch with the managers, Samantha and Carla.
Samantha and her team of staff and volunteers at Middleton Elderly Aid are delivering about 50 meals a day, (5 days a week) to members.
These meals are subsidised by MEA to the tune of £200 a week. Well done Sam.
Sam, is looking for jigsaws. Do you have any to give to members while they have to stay at home?
Please contact Sam if you have any: info@middletonelderlyaid.org.uk or (0113) 272 1050.
I’m looking at doing some more watercolour painting as time goes on and maybe even oil painting.
There’s always David at Acre Court for his advise on painting.
I have a Gypsy Caravan model I made when I was 10 years old over 60 years ago, in need of a refurb, so that will take a few days. So as you can see, I’ve got plenty to keep me going until we can get back to normal.
So why don’t we all get back to skills and hobbies we used to do years ago It will be fun.
So just to finish, there are no walking groups, News Cafe, Memory Cafe at Middleton Elderly Aid, until the restrictions are lifted.
Please all stay safe and we will be back to normal soon I hope.
Kenneth Ingram Volunteer Reporter to South Leeds Life Newspaper and Blog. Volunteer for Middletonelderlyaid.org.uk and BITMOs GATE