It’s a (Christmas) wrap

Well that’s pretty much it from all of us at South Leeds Life for this year.

We will have a roundup of 2021’s top news stories for you next week and report on any important breaking stories and we will return with our normal service on Tuesday 4 January. We will also be distributing our January newspaper from Tuesday 4 January.

As Editor I would like to thank all the contributors, both the regulars and everyone who has submitted an article; the Board members who guide and oversee our work; and most of all you, the readers – there is no South Leeds Life without you!

So on behalf of everyone at South Leeds Life, I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.


2 Replies to “It’s a (Christmas) wrap”

  1. I would like to thank all the team at South Leeds Life for keeping us posted with local news. I do find it an invaluable resource. Keep up the good work. Best wishes to all for 2022 for health and happiness.

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