Holbeck goes green for Wellbeing

Local charity wellbeing project Your Space are working with people in Holbeck to Grow Our Own fruit, vegetables, herbs and flowers.

The free Sunday gardening group started mid-April and has been utilising under-loved spaces in the area to re-green the urban environment. Not only does this help the planet and make our shared spaces more enjoyable, gardening is an activity that helps ease body and mind through gentle exercise in the outdoors.

After a year of uncertainty, loss and loneliness, coming together to grow something feels healing. In the words of one participant, it’s “just what I needed”.

This couldn’t be more appropriate as we approach Mental Health Awareness Week, which runs 10-16 May this year, with the theme ‘Connect With Nature’.

The Mental Health Foundation’s research over the pandemic showed going for walks outside was one of our top coping strategies for lockdown, and 45% of people reported that being in green spaces had been vital for their mental health. Our gardens, parks and verges have never been more needed.

The Grow Our Own group aims to share gardening knowledge and skills within the local community, and increase access to green spaces which can help to improve and maintain wellbeing in the community.

The Holbeck Grow Our Own group runs Sundays 2:30-4pm from Holbeck Youth and Community Centre on Elland Road. If you’d like to sign up, get more information or support the group in any way, please contact Anne on 07920 461253 or email annem@touchstonesupport.org.uk.

Not able to commit to the weekly group? You can try growing your own with the Your Space team at Holbeck Together’s outdoor coffee mornings on Monday 10 and Wednesday 12 May as part of their activities for Mental Health Awareness Week, or join them at the Jamyang Jumble sale on 22 May for more free gardening activities.

Interested in joining or setting up a community group in South Leeds? Your Space can help! Contact Your Space on (0113) 426 1141 or email yourspace@touchstonesupport.org.uk. You can find Your Space across social media by searching for “Your Space Leeds”. Your Space is a community wellbeing project run in partnership by the charities Touchstone, Holbeck Together and Womens Health Matters, with funding from Leeds City Council.

You can find out more about Mental Health Awareness Week at www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week.


This post was written by Anne Mansfield

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