Guest blogger Angela Harrison writes about domestic violence and anger management groups from STOP.
S.T.O.P. (Start Treating Others Positively) continues to run Anger Management groups for both male and female perpetrators of domestic abuse. In addition to these groups we also run a weekly Women’s Support Group for women who are in or have been in an abusive relationship.
Are you, or have you ever been, in an abusive relationship? This group is for women aged 18+ who are experiencing domestic abuse, or who have been through it in the past.
Abuse can be things like all forms of physical abuse: hitting, burning, biting, twisting, pulling hair; stopping you doing things or seeing family and friends; unwanted sexual activity; verbal bullying, shouting, threats and putting you down; financial control: like keeping you short of money or unable to buy necessary things.
S.T.O.P.’s Women’s Support Group meets at: Duncan House, 14 Duncan Street, Leeds, LS1 6DL on Thursday afternoons between 12.30 and 2.30pm.
Your partner may be attending anger management sessions here at a different time, but you are welcome to come to the group whether on not your partner is attending here. This is a safe place for you to meet other women who share your experiences and with whom you can talk and gain support for yourself and understanding of your situation.
You do not need to be referred; you can contact us directly on: 0113 2446007 The group is free of charge. Unfortunately we are unable to provide a crèche.