Leeds City Council has issued the following news and guidance about council services and the current red alert for extreme heat.
Bin collections will be starting earlier at 6am tomorrow (Tuesday 19 July 2022) as they did today to allow bin crews to work in lower temperatures and avoid the hottest part of the day. Bins should be put out the night before, or by 6am at the very latest on the morning. Please note crews will not return to collect any bins put out after this time.
Melting road surfaces may be an issue due to the extreme temperatures, and council teams are on hand ready to respond. If you see any such issues please call (0113) 222 4407 to make the team aware.
Temperatures and working conditions for council staff working outdoors during the current red extreme weather alert period are being monitored. All Household Waste and Recycling Centres will close at 2pm today (Monday) with the exception of Kirkstall which will remain open as normal. This decision has been taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff, and to manage and mitigate risks from potentially combustible materials.
As temperatures are expected to be even higher tomorrow, Household Waste and Recycling Centres will close at 12 noon on Tuesday, again with the exception of Kirkstall which will remain open as normal.
Please check the temperature before you make any journey and be aware council services may close earlier in high temperatures.
Community Hubs & Libraries in Leeds will be closing earlier on Monday and Tuesday at 5pm instead of 7pm.
Schools will remain open wherever possible in order help keep children safe. Bulletins have been given to schools outlining a range of advice and guidance on clothing, fluids, ways to keep cool, windows, air movement and fans, transport, sunscreen, dehydration, heat exhaustion and heatstroke and outdoor activities.
Guidance has also been given to all care homes in Leeds around handling the heat, following the national Heatwave Plan guidance to help keep residents safe.
Rough sleepers and those in emergency accommodation are urged to stay indoors as much as possible and seek shelter at St Anne’s or St George’s Crypt. If being outside is necessary, keep well hydrated and in the shade as much as possible. Yorkshire Water have kindly donated 1,000 bottles of water and the street support team will be carrying out outreach on a shift pattern ensuring they are distributed.
The public can also notify the Street Outreach Team in Leeds if they are worried about a rough sleeper – contact can be made with th team on (0113) 245 9445 or email via on Leeds.SOS@cgl.org.uk. You can also report via Streetlink.
Tropical World will also be closed today and tomorrow to ensure the safety of visitors, staff and the animals. The animal keepers will be focused on the welfare of the animals. Apologies for any inconvenience this closure causes. The café and shop will remain open.
The Arium Café is closed but the Coffee POD will remain open. All other parks cafes will be open as usual but offering a reduced menu.
Everyone is advised to follow the national guidance to stay indoors with curtains closed especially during the peak hours of 11am-4pm, to hydrate regularly, wear loose clothing and take regular breaks. It is also important to check on the welfare of neighbours and vulnerable/elderly residents and family members.
If you are able to work from home please do so, and try to avoid travel especially during the expected hottest period on Tuesday.
Water safety is also especially important, and the guidance is please do not attempt to swim in open water as this is very dangerous.
Grass fires are also a risk in current temperatures, so please take extra care and precautions when lighting and disposing of barbecues, cigarettes or glass which can cause fires.
For the latest updates on transport services in Leeds visit Metro (wymetro.com)
Latest council service information and updates will also be available on Twitter via @LeedsCC_News
This post is based on a press release issued by Leeds City Council