Healthy Holidays continuing to tackle Holiday Hunger in Leeds

Thanks to significant funding from Leeds City Council, the Asda Foundation, and Jimbo’s Fund, Leeds Community Foundation will be able to continue to support some of the 30,000 schoolchildren in Leeds whose families and carers struggle to feed them in the school holidays.

Over £200,000 will be distributed in grants to community projects that provide locally-based activities across the most deprived areas of the city. Working in partnership with Leeds City Council, Leeds Community Foundation launched the Holiday Hunger campaign in 2018 and provided funding for over 40 projects delivering activities during the school holidays which enabled vulnerable children to have access to food, fun activities, and learning and support for families.

Councillor Debra Coupar, Leeds City Council said:

“Healthy Holidays really was one of Leeds’ success stories of 2018. No family should have to worry about being able to provide for their children in the holidays. We were so pleased that the programme has enabled children and their families across the city access to over 4,500 food and activity sessions during the 2018 Easter and Summer holidays. We are delighted, along with the Asda Foundation and Jimbo’s Fund to be able to support the initiative in 2019.  We would encourage other large businesses in the city to lead the way in enabling even more children access to the same opportunities.”

Annmarie Rocks, Senior Co-ordinator at the Asda Foundation, said:

“This year the Asda Foundation celebrates 30 years of supporting charities and good causes to transform their communities and improve the lives of local people. We are delighted to be supporting Leeds Community Foundation with their work in supporting holiday hunger.”

Pip Goff, Partnerships Director at Leeds Community Foundation said:

“We are delighted along with our partners to be continuing to lead the way on delivering healthy holidays for thousands of schoolchildren in Leeds. In 2018, we funded a fantastic range of activities from local projects who understand the need of their communities. We saw new connections and lasting partnerships formed as a result of the programme along with a great range of activities from wool craft to street dance, sport and cooking to gorge scrambling – all delivered alongside the provision of a healthy and nutritious cooked meal or packed lunch.

“Most of these children might otherwise be either doing nothing at home, watching tv, out on the streets or getting bored or potentially getting into trouble. Instead the Healthy Holidays programme meant they benefitted from trying new experiences and activities, making friends, visiting new places, developing skills and going back into school with happy memories to share.”

“The programme helped reduce the impact of holidays hunger and other pressures in families and increased opportunities and experiences for young people in the areas of greatest need. We look forward to having an even greater impact in 2019.”

Andrea Edwards from The Hunslet Club, one of the groups that were funded by the Healthy Holidays programme said:

“Healthy Holidays funding complimented our existing Easter and Summer Activity Camps at The Hunslet Club by enabling those children who were most at need to access our provision. The children researched their own recipes, prepared, cooked and ate lunch then participated in a range of sports, arts or play activities as part of our wider activity camp provision. The food donations from Fareshare also enabled us to help the wider families of the children we supported throughout the project. Seeing the impact is so rewarding”

Those that would like to contribute to the Healthy Holiday fund to help even more children and families in Leeds in 2019 are encouraged to get in touch with Leeds Community Foundation.


This post is based on a press release issued by Leeds Community Foundation

Photo: Children at DAZL‘s summer programme benefited from Healthy Holiday funding