South Leeds Life received the following email from Duncan at Oblong Leeds about new mental health well-being sessions in South Leeds…
“Hi and welcome to Head Space!
Head Space is a free programme of seven weekly sessions that will help you to deal with the tough times in life that happen to us all. Like eating five fruit and vegetables every day for physical health, there are things that all of us can do to look after our mental well-being. Every week in Head Space we will look at some of them, what they mean to you and ideas and techniques for using them to benefit you.
The scheme is co-ordinated by Oblong Resource Centre and funded by Leeds City Council. Head Space is free of charge to participants.
Who is it for?
Anyone who wants to build up their confidence, assertiveness or ability to deal with mental distress. Head Space isn’t therapy, it’s about trying out ideas for yourself and choosing the ones that work best for you.
When and where is it?
Wednesdays 23 November to 11 January between 1pm and 3pm at Tunstall Road Community Centre, Tunstall Road, Leeds, LS11 5JF
Some of the topics we’ll be talking about:
- Getting to know each other and talking about how our thoughts, emotions and actions affect each other
Stress and relaxation
- Finding ways for you to use exercise to keep stress levels down
- Using positive thinking to be realistic about problems and not get stressed or panicky
- Problem-solving ideas to deal with things that are stressing you
Valuing yourself and others
- Learning about self-esteem and how to value yourself and your achievements
Assertiveness and resolving conflicts with friends, colleagues and family
- How can we make sure other people don’t walk all over us without seeming aggressive? Finding a ‘middle way’ between anger and being taken advantage of
Any questions? Please contact Duncan Millard at Oblong – 0113 245 9610 or email
Hope to see you there!