The free Green Doctor Energy service at Groundwork Leeds – Looking back at the winter achievements
Over the winter the Green Doctors at Groundwork Leeds have worked hard to improve the homes of Leeds residents, especially the ones who suffers from cold-related illnesses, families with young children and the elderly.
In the winter period from December 2014 – April 2015 the Green Doctor team at Groundwork Leeds delivered home visits to 326 Leeds households. Following special winter funding from the Leeds South and East Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) 245 of these homes were located in South and East Leeds.
During the visits the Green Doctors installed a total of 1333 completely free measures. These measures included 286 energy saving bulbs, 598 reflective radiator panels, 65 water saving devices, and on top of that the Green Doctors draught-proofed 170 wooden doors and windows. The Green Doctors also offered advice on energy efficiency as well as switching energy supplier and how to do what the Green Doctors have named an ‘energy bill health check’ to check for any potential savings or rebates.
“Looking back at our achievements over the past winter I feel proud. During a recent feedback survey a service user revealed how her home was very draughty and her son often suffered from bronchitis. After the Green Doctors had draught proofed the windows in her son’s rooms he had not suffered from bronchitis since. Cases like this makes me feel that our effort is more than worth our time. I would advise people to take advantage of the service. It is never too early to prepare for next winter.”
Katrine Bay Madsen, Green Doctor Advisor.
To find out about the eligibility criteria to book a free Green Doctor visit or refer someone you know, please call Groundwork Leeds at 0113 238 0601 or email or go to for more information.
This post was written Katrine Bay Madsen by using our Create an article for South Leeds Life page.