The Friends of Middleton Park are holding their third annual show in the park on Sunday 11th September, writes Frances Jones. This is an opportunity to showcase local talent and skills: if you grow fruit, veg or flowers, if you are into art, photography, crafts or home baking, please consider entering (form attached, but you can also enter on the day before 11am). It’s great fun, and the marquees look fantastic with all the entries on display.
The event will be open to the public 1.30-4pm. Attractions include pony rides, miniature railway, falconry, hen racing, children’s activities and face painting, plus stalls selling food, produce, crafts, cards etc.
Entries can be brought down any time between 8.30 and 11am. If you can complete the form and let us know in advance that you intend to enter, that would be very helpful.
Please feel free to circulate this invitation as widely as possible – thank you!
[scribd id=62999977 key=key-6iu4ddtx9j29raqeuqu mode=list]Here’s to sunshine on Sunday 11th!