The first ever Love Leeds Parks festival will be held next week (8-16 August 2020) with events online and in local parks across the city.
The festival will include five core days of online events, each with a different theme highlighting the importance of parks to our daily lives; nature, sports, discussion, heritage and play.
A roadshow will accompany the Festival, a stall with merchandise and engagement activities being located in different parks throughout the nine day period. The stall will be in Middleton Park, near the lakeside Visitor Centre, on Thursday 13 August, 11am-3pm.
On Monday (10 August) the theme is nature. The day will feature a quiz on Facebook after which Conservation Volunteers from the University of Leeds will answer nature themed questions you have, such as on tree species or unidentified birds. Then at 12pm Claire Rogers, one of Leeds’ Park Rangers, has filmed a Minibeast hunt in Armley and Gotts Park. You can watch it on YouTube to learn about the creepy crawlies in your local green space.
You can take part in your own Scavenger Hunt in your local park by downloading a list of things to look out for via the website here.
Other outdoor activities include a Mini Olympics for Tuesday’s Sports Day; Explore your local green space by participating in our Heritage “I Spy” activity on Thursday’s Heritage Day. Friday is Play Day so why not head to your local park or green space for Teddy Bear’s Picnic?
You can find the full programme and links to all the events on the Love Leeds Parks website here.