From Belle Isle to the Home of the Gods

Belle Isle mountaineer Ellis Robinson’s latest conquest, in this Olympic year, was Mount Olympus in Greece.

The fabled home of the Gods has been on Ellis’s to do list since he climbed Kilimanjaro in July 2023. Having gathered sponsors and checking his kit, he headed for Greece to meet the team he was to climb with.

After a 1000m climb of steep sweaty woodland terrain he arrived at the first refuge at 2100m where he spent the night. After an early breakfast he was climbing again, emerging above the tree line at 2450m. There he was greeted with a beautiful view of Olympus national park and hit by the intense heat.

Traversing the mountain underneath Skala and Mytikas peaks, he tracked back slightly and looked up at the gully he was about to climb to reach the top of Mount Olympus (Mytikas 2918m). Ellis takes up the story:

“Once we had our harness, helmet and rope all on and attached we then headed up the very daunting route up. Once at the top I had a huge relief that not only had I summited the mountain of the gods, but that I have made my sponsors proud, my friends and family proud but most importantly I was proud of myself. This was one of my dream mountains, after all my whole arm is tattooed with Greek mythology!

“After taking a few pictures and soaking up the beautiful view I knew that it wasn’t over yet as I had to still get down. If you think it’s scary going up then it’s absolutely terrifying coming down because all you can see is a terrifying drop right to the bottom of the mountain.

“After getting down from the steep gully you then unclip from your harness and take off your helmet and then head round to the next refuge where you pass in front of the “throne of Zeus”. This alone is incredibly beautiful and is something you have to experience in person to get a true understanding of it.”

Ellis underneath Stefani, the throne of Zeus

With the climb over for the day it was time to tune in to watch England face Spain in the final of the Euros, before calling it a night.

The next day’s long decent to Litochoro was made harder by the exertions of reaching the summit and a late night.

Reflecting on his adventure Ellis said:

“I feel truly blessed to have been given the chance to chase my dream by my sponsors. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to climb Mount Olympus (mountain of the gods) 2918m and now I’ve done it! All of this wouldn’t have been possible without my sponsors so a huge thank you to:

  • Reid & Stone Roofing Limited
  • Complex Access Solutions Ltd
  • Care Fencing
  • L.B Plumbing & Heating
  • RGC Motorhome Hire
  • Vermicure Pest Control

“I’m now on the hunt for my next mountain! If you would like to sponsor me and have your name or company logo at the top of the next mountain then feel free to drop a message to my email:”


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