Free food on your doorstep: who’s in?

Do you fancy free healthy food, on your doorstep, year round? Could you work with your neighbours to make it happen? Residents in Hunslet, and across south Leeds, are being encouraged to get onboard with the growing ‘Incredible Edible’ movement – a national programme supporting people to grow food in unused spaces, in their communities.

Last week (Wednesday 8 November 2023), local charity Hyde Park Source coordinated a volunteer day to tidy up the established edible garden on the Rocheford housing estate in Hunslet. The garden features dozens of fruit bushes and herbs, in previously redundant flower beds – free for anyone locally to harvest and eat.

The project was initially developed in partnership with local residents, but they have found themselves unable to remain involved; new local volunteers are therefore needed to adopt the garden. Anyone doing so would continue to have the support of Hyde Park Source if they wish – and the commitment is likely to be as little as one hour per month.

Pete Tathan from Hyde Park Source commented:

“Its great to be able to bring life back to these unloved small bits of land. There is so much potential in these  spaces and we are just really happy to be part of the process.”

Cllr Ed Carlisle (Green, Hunslet & Riverside) said:

“The Incredible Edible movement is … incredible! Regular people coming together to grow free food in the heart of their communities. Doing so could save us all money, help save the planet, it’s good for our health and wellbeing, and maybe even build community spirit. Whether here in Hunslet, or anywhere, it’s more needed than ever. Could we stir up an incredible edible revolution here in south Leeds?”

The Rochefords edible garden was funded by the Inner South Community Committee and the Housing Action Panel (HAP) in February 2021, and local ward councillors Mohammed Iqbal, Paul Wray, and Ed Carlisle all remain supportive of it.

For more info on Incredible Edible, visit Support and advice is available to any local individuals or groups looking to join this steadily growing Leeds-wide movement.


This post is based on a press release issued by Cllr Ed Carlisle


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