Free family gardening event at Belle Isle Family Centre. Friday 22 May 2015
The weather is glorious so it’s time to dust off your gardening gloves and plant some seeds!
The Minibeasts gardening group have been growing some tomato seedlings and they are now ready to be planted into bigger pots which you can take home and keep. You can also plant a selection of herbs, flowers, lettuces and potatoes to take home and keep as well. Please bring some sturdy bags, a cardboard box or other means of carrying your plant pots home. If you are planting potatoes these come in a large plastic bag with a lot of compost, so again think of how you can get it home with you (prams work quite well).
We are buying lots of compost but it might run out, so try to arrive on time to avoid disappointment. You can also let us know below if you’re coming to we save you some seeds/compost.
The Minibeasts gardening group was supported by Health for All, but it is finishing unless there are any new people who want to join the group and have access to the tools and equipment we have? Come along on the day to find out more, it would be a shame for it all to sit in the cupboard and no one use them!
And lastly, parents are responsible for their children, as we will only have one or two people running the activity. We will hopefully be taking some photos on the day and will have some photo permission forms for you to sign so that we know who is OK with us taking photos and who wants to be left out.
Looking forward to meeting you, share on Facebook too!
For more information email stephanie.robinson@healthforall.org.uk or ring 07940 020847