This year South Leeds Music Centre will be celebrating over 40 years of music-making for children, families and the local community.
In 1972 parents paid just sixpence a week (2½ pence) to join the orchestra – or nothing if they couldn’t afford sixpence!
Prices have of course gone up since 1972, but thanks to Leeds City Council children can still join the orchestra at the music centre for just £1.55 a week.
To celebrate 40 years of music-making in Leeds, anyone under 18 can go along to their local music centre to claim two free lessons in the instrument or group of their choice.
The activities on offer at music centres across Leeds have expanded over the years, and this year include many new classes in response to popular demand – such as Ukulele, Beat-Boxing, Rock Band, and Music Passport, where young people can try things out before choosing a class.
South Leeds Music Centre is also inviting all present and past students to join them for a celebratory concert next February.
Ken Silver, who was the first head of the South Leeds Music Centre in 1970, said:
“We would love to hear from any students who have attended South Leeds Music Centre since it began.
“Maybe you have gone on to become an accomplished musician – or perhaps you have an instrument gathering dust in a cupboard.
“Whatever your level, come and play in our 40 year celebration orchestra.”
Former students of South Leeds Music Centre who are interested in taking part in the concert should contact Artforms on 0113 230 4074 or by email to
To claim the two free music sessions under 18s should contact their local music centre.
South Leeds Music Centre meets every Saturday in term time from 9:45am – 12:15pm at Cockburn School on Gypsy Lane.
Details of all Leeds music centres can be found at: