The heavy rainfall this afternoon (9 September 2021) has resulted in a Flood Alert being issued covering the Wortley Beck catchment which includes the areas close to the Ring Road between the White Rose Centre and junction 1 of the M621.
The alert, posted at
Wyke Beck, Meanwood Beck and Wortley Beck catchments
Flooding is possible – be prepared
This flood alert has been issued in response to the forecast for heavy showers and thunderstorms that could affect areas across Wyke Beck, Meanwood Beck and Wortley Beck Catchments on Thursday 9th September, particularly in the afternoon and evening. It is not possible to predict the precise location of these thunderstorms, but where they occur there’s a risk of localised surface water flooding and flooding from smaller rivers affecting roads, homes and businesses. This means that we are taking the precautionary measure of issuing a flood alert. In anticipation of these thunderstorms our staff are monitoring the situation. Given the speed at which levels in the faster responding rivers may rise, we may not have time to issue all flood warnings before the onset of any flooding. For weather forecasts for your area please see the Met Office www.metoffice.gov.uk. Please stay aware of your surroundings and do not put yourself at risk. Be prepared to act on your flood plan. This message will be updated by 00:30 on 10/09/21, or as the situation changes.