Did you know that Beeston has its very own FBI?
You may immediately think of a branch of American policing which it is not, but our FBI -Future Baton International Academy Majorettes – too, offers our residents highly skilled disciplines in Baton, Pom and Military routines.
The troupe, whose age range is 2 – 33 years old, are trained by Chloe Guyan, Zoe Guyan, Eleanor Tait, Courtney Ward and Brooklyn Ward.
“We started FBI Academy because majorettes have always been a passion of ours and we want to keep kids off the streets by doing a fun activity that teaches them co-ordination, time-keeping, teamwork and determination”
Supporters, parents and the Troupe’s feedback is a testament to how the original intention is being fulfilled by this team of determined and strong female leaders.
“We love dancing with you all so much, thank you for making the decision to start a troupe” – Terrianne, Parent/Dancer
“Our girls love dancing alongside you all, the confidence both girls have growing unbelievable” – Michelle, Family Member
“Its changed my life, I’ve enjoyed every minute” – Abbie W, Dancer
“I couldn’t dream for a better team to dance with” – Aleesha, Dancer
The troupe has competed all over the country, but this year as for many activities, found different ways to keep the troupe motivated and their skills up to par.
“We have been doing training sessions over zoom and hosted a virtual bingo and quiz nights to keep interacting with our dancers to help them keep a positive mindset, the dancers have found the lack of social interaction difficult “
Ready to continue and get back to training for next season sponsorship is more important than ever and helps the dancers meet the cost their uniforms. Generously, you have your business name printed on your sponsored dancer’s top, which is worn at every event they attend within 12 months.
Sponsorship is very reasonable at £30 per dancer. It’s an investment in a troupe who were born from an idea to make sure kids had a skill not taught in schools and a safe place to go.
And as the members will tell you themselves, they have a long- term commitment to this group.
“FBI has brought to me a second family that I never knew I needed” – Marianne, Dancer
“You all do amazing and the love you have for each other shines” – Emma, Supporter
“I have loved dancing in our little family since the very first session! 7 years of amazing memories and even more to make” – Abbie H, Dancer
You can contact FBI at eleanortait98@gmail.com to join the group or support by sponsoring a dancer.
This post was written by Christine Smart
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