Enter the NHS summer photography competition


Capturing ‘summer 2013 in south and east Leeds’ is the focal point of a photography competition organised by NHS Leeds South and East Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

New Bewerley gardenAs part of its efforts to encourage local people to get involved with the work of the recently established CCG, the NHS organisation wants summer-themed snaps that showcase the area it serves. The CCG is keen to capture a summer in south and east Leeds and wants people to submit any photos they think may be appropriate. The aim of the competition is to encourage people to take advantage of the great outdoors and also highlight how summer transforms south and east Leeds.

With many people having access to mobile phones with cameras the competition gives an opportunity for novice photographers as well as professional photographers. The competition runs through to 1st September. Staff at the CCG will pick their five favourite pictures with the lucky photographers winning a £20 shopping voucher.

Matt Ward, Chief Operating Officer at NHS Leeds South and East CCG said:

“This is a fantastic opportunity for the public to get involved with their local CCG in a creative project that will highlight how great this area of Leeds is. We hope that the competition will encourage people to get out and about as well as finding out more about who we are and what we do.

“We want to see as many pictures as possible. It could be a picture taken on the way to work on your mobile phone, a picture taken on a walk, or even one out of your window. The beauty of this innovative campaign is that anyone can take part regardless of age or ability.”

Five of the best photographs will be selected and the winners will receive £20 worth of shopping vouchers.

You can submit photographs either by email to: leedssouthandeastccg@nhs.net, or through Twitter at @NHSLeedsSE.

Entries must be submitted by the 1st September 2013. For more information, and terms and conditions of the competition you can visit our website at www.leedssouthandeastccg.nhs.uk/summer.