Spring has arrived at TCV Skelton Grange and there’s so much to celebrate!
Staff and volunteers are celebrating the arrival of spring with a packed schedule of Easter events, workshops, volunteering opportunities, foodie events, partnership working, school visits, award nominations and competitions. There really is SO much to shout about!
“The Conservation Volunteers are the unsung heroes of the environment …no one will protect what they do not first care about” Sir David Attenborough: Vice-President, The Conservation Volunteers
Well over 200,000 people have accessed and enjoyed nature now in a less advantaged area of the city, helping to improve their health and wellbeing. This is all part of the Access2Nature project which has received funding from Big Lottery and National Grid. The Skelton Grange project is designed to be sustainable and stretch far on into the future, encouraging wildlife and increasing species diversity for the benefit of everyone. The staff and volunteers at the centre plan to celebrate on Good Friday with an Easter Egg Trail, plus there will be a chance to have a go at some crafts and make a miniature Easter garden.
The project is very happy with its new Ground Source Heat Pump which has now been installed and is keeping the centre cosy and warm for the visiting schools and volunteers. This was made possible with funding won during the M&S Energy Community Energy Fund competition. There will be an official opening event on Friday 18 March 2016, with local press and public invited to attend.
Skelton Grange has been nominated as Leeds Beckett’s Student’s Union Community Partner of the Month. The two organisations have been working together to provide students and the public with awesome volunteering opportunities. These events help to look after and develop the site so that it’s ready for the visiting schools and community groups. This nomination comes shortly after being shortlisted for ‘The Best Place for Children and Young People in Leeds Award’ at the recent Child Friendly Leeds Awards event. Skelton Grange is offering loads of opportunities for schools trips and kids in the holidays too, with Bushcraft events, The Spy Academy, Skelton Rangers Summer Playscheme and the Into the Wilderness camping event.
It’s not all about the kids, there are loads of courses and events going on for adults at the centre too with all proceeds going to support the great charitable work of the centre. There’s willow hare, deer and sheep weaving with Phil Bradley, natural wine and goats cheese making with Craig Worrall, plus wire bird workshops with Chris Moss.
But that’s not all! TCV’s project ‘Bed & Breakfast for Bees’ at Skelton Grange has been shortlisted to win funds to install bee hives and create wildflower rich food habitats for bees and other pollinating insects. Environmental issues mean that many bee & butterfly species in long term decline, yet one out of every three mouthfuls of our food depends on pollination by these insects taking place, and Skelton Grange would love your help to improve the situation. Tesco has teamed up with Groundwork to launch its Bags of Help initiative across hundreds of regions in England and Wales. The scheme will see three community groups and projects in each region awarded grants of £12,000, £10,000 and £8,000 – all raised from the 5p bag charge. The public can now vote in Tesco stores from 27 February until 6 March. Please keep an eye out for TCV’s Skelton Grange project in store!
To find out more about any of the events mentioned above please visit www.tcv.org.uk/skeltongrange